
Harley Davidson Road King Classic 96ci FLHRC


Original Registration Date: 27/07/2009

COE Expiry Date: 26/07/2029

Road tax expiry: 26/07/2025


SGD 25,800.00


As a touring bike the Road King does it in complete style. Dressed in old-age clothes the bike draws admiring looks everywhere; yes, stationary or rolling. The high bars and comfortable footboards (bit of a stretch to be truly comfortable if under 5ft 8in) place you in a world of satisfying peace and comfort. The addition of a genuine all-American QD screen is worth it on longer runs

Equipped with CFR Megaphone Exhaust & 12” KST Custom Handlebar!


Estimated Monthly Installment
SGD /Month

* interest rate is subjected to changes

* Loan period is to be at least 6 months before COE expiry

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